I thought it might be fun to share some things you might not know about me. I hope you enjoy getting to know me a little better!
- I love Disney. Just kidding! You already know that. But seriously, I’m like really short. Like 5″0′. That means Ethan in 10 inches taller than me.
- My dog’s name is Mandy- named after Mandy Moore. But Mandy Moore is still relevant from Tangled, so at least her name isn’t Ashlee after Ashlee Simpson!
- I’m a pescatarian, so I eat fish but not meat. It will be 10 years this September.
- I have a weird ability to memorize song lyrics, and even if I haven’t heard the song in a long time my brain remembers the lyrics as the song goes on!
- My favourite flavour of chips is Salt and Vingear. The best are Lays!
- I HATE sand. Always have, always will.
- I have never dyed my whole head of hair. Only highlights, or I bleached some sections and put in some Manic Panic back in the day. I’m all natural!
- When I was younger I did competitive gymnastics and Power Tumbling. At one point I was 5th in Eastern Canada, not bad in my books!
- I also played soccer, recreation then competitive for about 10 years. I still miss it!
- I’m my parents only biological child, my parents adopted my sister when she was born.
- My absolute favourite show ever of all time is Friends.
- I’ve been on two cruises in my life, and they were both hosted by John Mayer.
- My dog starred in my music theatre class production of The Wizard of Oz, she was Toto!
- My not-so-secret guilty pleasure TV show is The Bachelor/ The Bachelorette, I’ve been watching it I think since elementary school.
- I’ve known what I wanted to be “when I grow up” since I was in grade 7.
- I have Disney music on my phone… sometimes you just need it!
- I’ve never tried a Dole Whip at Disney World, but I hope to on my next trip. (if you aren’t sure what that is, google it!)
- I have a photographic memory, but I only realized a few years ago. It has come in handy once I realized!
- This blog was actually Ethan’s idea.
- Disney merchandise is my weak spot, if I see something Disney, I have trouble not buying it.
- I LOVE Harry Potter. I was lucky enough to visit the studios where the movies were filmed in England a few years ago. I also met Tom Felton and Rupert Grint last year at Fan Expo
- There are other places I want to visit on vacations other than Disney World. I’d love to visit Italy, Greece and Hawaii to name a few. And Disneyland. And Disneyland Paris.
- I watch YouTube more than actual TV.
- All of the YouTubers I watch regularly I found through Disney Vlogs. (KyleandCourt, BeingMommyWithStyle, GillianAtHome, PrettyNeatLiving, SeeYaReelSoon, OhYeahDisney, HappiestVlogsonEarth, and Ellie Steadman)
- I love love love going to concerts. I try to go to a few each year, and nothing says summer like a concert at Molson Amphitheatre!
- My favourite number is 4, and I’m not sure why. I think it might be because my birthday is in April, but who knows.
- I have a Disney bucket list in the works.
- I’m obsessed with the Grand Floridian resort, and I don’t know why, but I hope to stay there someday. My Mom thinks it’s because they stayed there in the episode of Full House that takes place in Disney World.
- I love the music from The Princess and the Frog, but the movie doesn’t interest me that much.
- It took me almost two months to write this post, because it was harder than I thought it would be to write 30 things about myself!
I hope you have enjoyed getting to know me a little better, and if you care to share let me know something about you in the comments! Also, if there is something you would like to see on the blog, let me know!
Thank you so much for reading!
In some cultures the number four is associated with death. In hotels, like we don’t have the 13th floor, they won’t have the 4th floor! But my favourite number is 13 so I guess these fools don’t know anything.
That’s so weird! I definitely don’t like the number four because it’s associated with death… I think it’s because April is the 4th month lol.