I can’t even believe I just typed that, but this little blog of mine is 5! Today’s post is going to be short, but I thought I would give you guys a quick life update as to where I’ve been the last few weeks, and what the blog is going to look like for the next little while.
Life Update
The past few months have been hard, as I’m sure everyone else can agree. But I’ve been dealing with some other really hard things. On May 9th we brought home our new puppy Luna, and she started having some health issues just a week and a half later. It was a rollercoaster of a time, and after a 4 day visit to an emergency animal hospital, we didn’t know exactly what it was, but something neurological was off. We tried all of the medication we could, and on June 20th we had to say goodbye to our sweet Luna girl. We did everything we could for her, and we know she gave us everything she could.
It’s been really hard for me to post while dealing with all the ups and downs of her health over just 6 short weeks, and it’s been a rough week and a half since she left us. I’ve never had to euthanize a pet, so this is all new to me. And I’m grieving the life that we didn’t get to have with Luna. I hope you can understand if I’m not as consistent in posting as I was (although the pandemic has been rough for me and blogging in general).
Blogging Going Forward
I would really like to get back into a blogging routine, but I’m also trying to go easy on myself while I navigate this grief. I’d love to throw all of my focus and energy into blogging, but some evenings I just can’t. Because the Disney Parks are re-opening soon there are a lot of posts I want to get up, and I’m doing my best. I still really enjoy blogging, but wow 2020 has been WEIRD. If there’s something you’d like to see on the blog, please leave a comment and let me know! Or send me an email Kelsey(at)adisneyobsession.com .
Thank you!
And because A Disney Obsession turns 5 today, I couldn’t end this post without a big THANK YOU! I had no idea what blogging would look like once I started, and I had no idea how long it would last. I’m so grateful to you for joining me, and I hope you continue to enjoy what I post here!
I hope you are well, and I’ll see you soon!