Hello friends! I hope you are well! Today I’m sharing another post in the Walt Disney World Resort post series, with Part 1 all about the Villas! I’m sharing the room configurations available, starting prices and the food options available! All prices listed are as of August 11th, 2018. Okay, let’s get started!
Wedding Planning Update: Months 16-22
Hello everyone, I hope you are well! Today I am back with another wedding planning update! I’ll be sharing the different things we’ve done in the last little while, specifically covering months 16-22 of wedding planning! I officially get married next month, eeek! I hope you guys enjoy today’s post. I’ll be talking about everything in the video below, and listing the items below the video. I won’t be sharing…
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Walt Disney World Resort Hotels: The Deluxe Resorts Part 2!
Hello everyone! Today I am sharing another post in the Walt Disney World Resort Hotel Series, with part 2 all about the Deluxe Resorts! I’ll be sharing the rest of the resorts at the Deluxe level, and share the different room configurations available, as well as the food options at each resort! Okay, let’s get started!
Monthly Favourites- July 2018!
Hello everyone! I can’t believe it’s already been another month. Today I’m sharing some of my favourite things from the month of July, from entertainment, to books, clothing and a recipe! Okay, let’s get started!
Walt Disney World Resort Hotels: The Deluxes’ Part 1!
Hello everyone! Today we are continuing on in the Walt Disney World Resort Series with The Deluxe Resorts! I will be splitting the deluxe resorts and the villas into two post each, because there are more resorts at this level than any other! Today I’ll be focusing on four different Deluxe Resorts, and I’ll be sharing the different rooms available, and food options at each resort! All prices are as…
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What I Learned In My 3rd Year of Blogging
Hello friends! I hope you are well! Since I’ve been blogging for 3 years now (where is time going???), I thought I would once again share some of the thing I’ve learned in this year of blogging! Some are smaller things, and others are more important, but I love sharing from experience. In no particular order, here are 6 things I’ve learned in the past year. Let’s jump in!
Guys. I’ve been keeping this information from you for way too long, and today I’m spilling the beans! I’m sharing where Ethan and I are going for our Disneymoon! (aka Disney Honeymoon). This trip isn’t for a while, but I couldn’t wait any longer! Plus, I need your help!
Monthly Favourites- June 2018!
Hello friends! I hope you are well! It’s officially summer, and it’s been HOT! In today’s post I am sharing some of my favourite things from the month of June! From books, to entertainment, beauty, and a new drink, I’m sharing it all! Okay, let’s get started!
Walt Disney World Resort Hotels: The Moderates!
Hello friends! I hope you are well! Today we are jumping back into the post series all about Walt Disney World Resort Hotels, today focusing on the Moderate resorts! I’ll be sharing the different resorts in the moderate level, sharing the starting price, room configurations, dining options, and more! If you missed the post all about the Value Resorts, you can find it here! Okay, let’s get started!
A Disney Obsession Turns 3!
I can’t believe I’m writing this, but A Disney Obsession is 3! Here’s to celebrating another year of blogging! It’s hard to believe that three years ago today this blog went live! It feels like it’s been a long time, but also it feels like just yesterday that I started this thing. I cringe a little when looking back at what it fist looked like… remember the pink? I feel…
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