You guys. It’s May. Where is this year going?! I can’t believe how fast the months are flying by, but I’m so happy it’s finally getting warm! Although it hasn’t been warm the past few weeks. Come on summer! It’s monthly favourites time once again, and I’m sharing some of my favourite things from the past month in entertainment, beauty, clothing, and more! Okay, let’s get started! Entertainment 13 Reasons Why…
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Disney & Disabilities: Accessibility at Hollywood Studios!
Hello everyone, Happy Wednesday! Today we are continuing on in the Disney & Disabilities post series, and we are going through the attractions at Hollywood Studios and their disability requirements. I’ll be breaking down what guests are required to transfer from a wheelchair for, and what attractions they can remain in their wheelchair for. It might be short and sweet, but I’ll be sharing which rides require guests to transfer…
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Birthday 2017 Haul & Sephora Spring Sale Haul!
Hello friends! It was my birthday last week, so I thought I would share some of the things I got for my birthday! I shared some of the things I picked up around my birthday last year, so I thought it would be fun to do the same again! Also since I used the money I got for my birthday, I’m sharing what I picked up in the Sephora Spring…
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My 10 Favourite Disney Animated Movies
Hello everyone! This week I thought I would take a break from the Disney & Disabilities post series for something a little more fun. I’m counting down my 10 favourite Disney Animated movies. These do not include Pixar, and the list also includes some honorable mentions, because picking 10 was hard. Okay, let’s get started, and see if you can guess which gets the top spot! Also, this is the 100th post…
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Monthly Favourites- March 2017
Hello everyone! Could someone explain how it is April already? I don’t know where time is going! It’s time for my March monthly favourites, and I’m sharing some of my favourite things from the past month! I’m sharing some of my favourites from entertainment, food, and more! Okay, let’s get started. Entertainment Ed Sheeran Divide- You guys, I’m obsessed with this album! I listen to it all the time! I…
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Disney & Disabilities: Accessibility at Epcot!
Hello friends! Continuing on in the Disabilities & Disney series I started a few weeks ago, I’m sharing all of the attractions at Epcot, and whether or not guests are required to transfer from their wheelchair. If there is something you’d like to see added to this post, please let me know in the comments below! Okay, let’s get started! Guests may remain in wheelchair Living with the Land* Gran Fiesta…
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We Have A Bathroom!
Hello everyone, I hope you are well! Today I am excited to share a look at our new bathroom! Ethan and I live with my parents, and have our own room in the basement. In January the bathroom was finally finished, so now I don’t have to go upstairs in the middle of the night! YAY! I wanted to have the chance to decorate it a little before sharing, so…
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Disney & Disabilities: Accessibility at Magic Kingdom!
Hello friends! Since I shared my experience with my sister on our last trip, I thought I would go a little more in depth with accessibility at Walt Disney World. If I didn’t know as much about Disney as I do, I wish I could find a resource that gives me ALL of the information, so over the next few months that’s what I’m going to try and create. I…
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I’ve Been Keeping a Secret! We Bought A House!
Hello friends! If you read my Hello 2017 post, you may have noticed I teased about some news that I had. Well, today is the day! I’m finally spilling the beans! It may also help to explain my recent obsession with HGTV. Are you ready? Ethan and I bought our first house in October! I’m officially an adult now, right? We are so excited even though it feels forever away….
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Monthly Favourites- February 2017
Hello everyone! I hope you are having a great March so far, and if you’re like me you are getting excited for spring! It’s monthly favourites time once again, and I’m sharing some of my favourite things from the past month. From entertainment, clothing, beauty and more, I’m sharing it all! Okay, let’s get started! Entertainment Bryan Inc.- You guys know I’ve been on an HGTV kick these past few…
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