I thought it would be nice to change it up a little, and tell you about myself. It’s hard to read a blog and not know anything about the person who is doing all the writing. I figured I could do this every once in a while, and share any life updates with all of you. I want this blog to be about my life as well, not just about Disney (although that it a big part of my life). So here’s a little bit about me.
If you don’t already know, I’m Kelsey. I’m in my early twenties and I still live at home, because my family situation is a little different. As I’ve mentioned in some previous posts my sister Alexandra has a disability. She has Cerebral Palsy, and is in a wheelchair. Part of the reason I still live at home is to help my parents with my sister. We also have a dog Mandy (named after Mandy Moore, she’s 12). You may also know (or seen pictures) of my boyfriend Ethan. He lives with us too! We are in the process of doing some renovations at my house, building a room and bathroom in our basement, eventually for Alex but for now for Ethan and I. So, because our room is being drywalled right now we are living in my old room. Long story short, everything from my old room is currently in the dining room, making it difficult to schedule posts when some things I need are in the mess of the dining room! So I’ve moved some posts around a little and am excited for what it coming up! So there’s a little bit of background on my home life. I’m also working full time and do cakes in my spare time (you can see an example of one of my cakes on my About Me page).

Now having this blog, working and baking does take up a lot of my time, but I still am happy to relax a bit every night. I’ve recently gotten into watching YouTube, it started before my last trip to Walt Disney World. I would watch people Vlogging from Walt Disney World and started watching their other vlogs. I watch four channels regularly. Gillianathome because she loves Disney, and is from Toronto (yay Canadians!), Kyleandcourt because there family is awesome, and they love Disney, Beingmommywithstyle because she loves Disney, and her youngest daughter Natalie is hilarious, and Seeyareelsoon because Joe and Ashley are entertaining and most of their vlogs happen while they are in Disney. The names of the YouTube channels I watch are listed just as that, in case you want to check them out! YouTube really is a community, like blogging, so it’s always fun to see what’s new. I also love to read and watch a few tv shows regularly. Right now I watch Best Time Ever with Neil Patrick Harris because of NPH, Survivor (yes I still watch it, and LOVE it), Grey’s Anatomy, Once Upon a Time, and The Walking Dead. Watching YouTube for me is like watching aTV show so I feel like I have more on the go than I do. Ethan and I are trying to get into the habit of being more active, and taking pictures more often! Some of the above pictures were taken on a recent trip to Huntsville for a wedding, in which we hiked to the Lookout.

Also, in case anyone would like to be pen pals, I have a PO box for the blog!
A Disney Obsession
PO Box 18203
Steeple Hill Postal Outlet PO
Pickering, Ontario, Canada
L1V 0B8
I hope this post has given you a little insight into my life, and let me know if you like posts like this! I’m also always thinking of blog post ideas so if there is something you would like to see on the blog let me know in the comments!
As always, thank you for reading!
Kelsey…this is the first time I have read your blog as I am not that familiar with Disney as you know. I have to say it is great what you have done here. I actually had a bit of a tear…I am very proud of you. Love Aunt Jan xxoo
Thank you so much Aunt Jan! That means so much!
One day in Disney World! The perfect itinerary if you only have one day to visit… Please!
I will work on it!
YEAAAHHHHHH!!! Thank Kelsey!