Hello everyone! I just received my Spring 2016 FabFitFub Box and I thought I would share it with you! Below is an unboxing video where I show everything that was in my box. I’m really happy with what was included, so take a look!
I’ve also included a list of everything that was in the box with links and retail prices. This box costs $49.95 US so with shipping I paid $78.73 CAD (thanks crappy Canadian Dollar!). The box contains full size products and is valued at over $200, so it’s still a really good deal in my opinion. There is one box for each season. This is the third box I’ve received, and I want to see how many things I use to make my mind up about keeping the subscription. I think I will keep it for one more box then re-evaluate. All of the information below is from the booklet that is included in the box.
Herb Garden by MakersKit– this adorable kit came with everything needed to grow Thyme, Mint and Basil. I can’t wait to be able to use these herbs! Retails for $35.
Countour Kit by ISH– I am a newbie when it comes to makeup, but I’m certainly excited to have something that I probably wouldn’t have bought by myself. The kit includes a highlighter, bronzer, blush and contour. I selected the Light/Medium palette. Retails for $32.
Bath Bomb Trinity by Jus D’Amour– I’m not normally a bath person, but the number of YouTubers that I watch who enjoy bath bombs have made me consider trying it. I’m so excited my box came with three to try! They all smell amazing too! Retails for $28.
Keratin Gloves® & Socks by Bodipure Inc– My hands and feet always get dry in the winter, so I hope trying these will get them summer ready! Retails for $9.98.
Tag Necklace by Jook & Nona– You also chose what your necklace would say this box, and I love my love necklace! So simple but beautiful. Retails for $65.
Shaving Emulsion Lotion by HelloLegs- This combination of body lotion and shaving cream is something I can’t wait to try! Retails for $19.95. Unfortunately I can’t find a link for this item. Sorry friends!
Argan & Hemp Oil Therapy by Marrakesh– I have been looking for something to de-frizz my hair, so I am definitely looking forward to trying this! Retails for $22.99.
Yoga Strap Mat by Merrithew– I have to admit I wasn’t sure what this was! You can use it as a carrying strap for your yoga mat, or as a resistance cord during yoga practise. I will give this a try! Retails for $14.99
$25 Gift Card by 31 Bits– The one thing I like about the FFF gift cards, is there is no minimum purchase. The picture I put on canvas for Ethan’s Christmas gift was actually a coupon from a FFF box! (Don’t worry I still paid for the majority of it!) Retails for $25, obvi!
$30 Gift Card by Sterling Forever– I don’t wear a ton of jewellery, but I will definitely take a look now that I have a gift card burning a hole in my wallet! Retails for $30.
The total retail value of the box is $282.91! Wow!
Also included was a card from I Am That Girl, an organization committed to empowering girls. It is hard to be a girl, so let’s build each other up, not put each other down! For more information on I Am That Girl, click here.
If you are interested in the FabFitFun box, click here for $10 off your first box!
The one thing I do like about the FabFitFun boxes is the ability to try things you might not normally buy. I do hope that by the time I get the next box, I’ve tried at least a couple of products for the spring box! Do you subscribe to any monthly/seasonal boxes? Let me know in the comments! I’d love to hear what you are trying!
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