Hello everyone, and Happy New Year! And hello 2017! I hope you all got to spend some time with loved ones over the last few weeks, and are ready for the new year! Just like last year I thought I would share some of the things I got for Christmas, and some of my goals for the new year. I’m calling them goals instead of New Years Resolutions in the hopes that I will actually accomplish them! Maybe at the end of the year I can do a post about how I did? Let me know what you think in the comments! Enough rambling, let’s get started!
Some of my new favourite things!
Roots Sweatpants- I’ve wanted a pair of sweatpants from Roots for a while now, and I was so surprised when Ethan got me a pair! They are so comfortable, and a slim fit so they aren’t too baggy. I swear I can’t wait to go home after work to change into them. Ethan bought them at a local Roots Outlet, so I couldn’t find a link, but there is a picture below!
Hunter Boots– This year I really struggled trying to think of things I wanted for Christmas. I think it has to do with getting older, and maybe I have enough stuff? Anyways, a last minute idea was a pair of Hunter Boots, because I don’t have a pair of rain boots. My parents weren’t sure which style I wanted or sizing so they gave me some money and I picked up a pair.
I actually bought them on Boxing Day and they were on sale, but I saved more money because I bought the kids size! My feet are a 6.5 or 7, so they fit into the largest kids size. I saved about $50! So I can wear them in the winter, I also picked up a pair of the socks, which were also cheaper than the adult size. I probably could have bought the adult size boots, but they were a bit too tall for my liking, and I’m quite proud of myself for saving some money!
Naked 3 Palette by Urban Decay– I’ve had my eye on this palette for a while, but the price made it a little hard to justify. Insert Christmas! I actually had a $15 discount code from Sephora and used that to pick this up (my sister paid for it), so I actually got it for a decent price! It’s beautiful and I’m so happy using it every day! I love the pink tones and how natural they are!
Talking as fast as I can by Lauren Graham- I am devouring this book! You probably know how much I love Gilmore Girls, but I’ve also watched Parenthood and I’m basically a huge Lauren Graham fan. I’ve read her novel, so when I found out she has written another book (this one about herself), I knew I had to get my hands on it. I find behind the scenes things really interesting, so I love hearing all about what Gilmore Girls was like (both times), and Parenthood. If you are a Lauren Graham fan, definitely ready this book! I can hear her voice when I’m reading it, and it’s funny too! Seriously, I can’t say enough good things about this book.
The Baker in Me by Daphna Rabinovitch- If you guys have read my About Me page, or just happen to know this about me, I bake! I got a new cookbook (are books about baking still called cookbooks, even when they are about baking?), and I’m excytiting to try some of these recipes! Something about baking makes we feel all warm and cozy, and this book has lots of muffins and breads that I think I will be making this winter!
My goals for 2017
1. Run 100 miles before my birthday- I was running fairly consistantly last summer and into September, but I haven’t run in a while, and I want to get back to that. You guys know I follow Tone it Up, and for their challenges they usually have a 100 mile challenge, to be completed in 8 weeks. I’ve come close to it (other cardio counts as miles, so it’s not all running), but never completed it. This time I’m giving myself extra time (my birthday is April 18th) and I’m hoping to finish early. I’m going to wake up a bit earlier in the mornings so I can get more of a workout in which hopefully will help. If you are interested in seeing what I do for fitness, I have an Instagram account that I use to keep myself accountable. Follow @tiu_kelsey4 if you’d like!
2. Run a 5k for real this time!- This was a resolution for last year that I never completed. I did run 5ks on the treadmill, but I actually want to run a race! I’m hoping to find one soon so I can work towards it, and I’m bringing Ethan with me
3. No more chips!- I really hope to stick to this one. Chips are such a weakness for me! I’ve been really bad lately, and I think it will help to cut chips out. I’m also trying to eat healthier, starting with what I take to work for my lunches! I figured it was easier to target something specific, rather than just say “I’m going to start eating healthier”. That is a goal, but I’m trying to not be too predictable
4. Post on Instagram regularly- I’m so bad at this! I’m going to try and post every day on Instagram! It makes such a difference when it comes to gaining followers, and I’m really trying to grow! If you aren’t already following that account on Instagram, go follow @ObsessedwDisney
5. Vlog more- I had a lot of fun vlogging in Walt Disney World, but it’s definitely something I can improve on! I hope to get a better camera for vlogging and I’ve been toying with the idea of vlogging on weekends. I’m not quite sure when that will start (I think Disney Vlogs will continue to run every Friday into March) so probably after that. I’m trying to think of how that will work schedule-wise as well, but it’s definitely something I want to do! I enjoy sharing things and having them to look back on, so hopefully you enjoy what I’m sharing as well!
I think that’s a pretty good start for 2017, and I hope it’s a great year! if there’s anything you’d like to see in a blog post or a video, please let me know! What are your plans for 2017? Let me know in the comments!
Thank you as always for reading!