Hello everyone! How is it May already?! This year is flying by. It’s that time again- monthly favourites time! I’m sharing some of my favourite things from the month of April: from entertainment, books, beauty, clothing, and a “recipe”. Without further ado, let’s get started!
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The Crown– I recently finished watching all of the episodes of Friends and was ready to watch something new! I find the Royal Family fascinating, so I’ve been loving this show! I’m on Season 2 and have been watching it in small pieces in the mornings. I think I will start watching it on weekends to pay closer attention. But I would recommend this show!
Trading Spaces– it’s back! I grew up watching Trading Spaces after school, and I’m so happy it’s back! Seeing everyone again is fun! If you watched the original series, check out the reboot!
13! game– This game is addicting! Similar to 2048, it’s a number tile game, where you connect tiles to get a higher number, and try to get a tile to 13. I think I do a better job explaining it in the video below lol, but the picture below might help!
Balancing in Heels by Kristen Cavallari – I’m a fan of Laguna Beach and The Hills, so I was interested to read her book. It was an easy read and parts of it were ineterstesing, but some parts were a little “preachy” (not in a religious way, more of a do this and don’t do that way). I wish I learned a little bit more about her life, but I still enjoyed it for the quick read it was.
The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid– I flew through this book! Like read it in 4 days. And it was probably double the size of the one mentioned above. I really enjoyed this book, and would highly recommend it! Here’s a synopsis from chapters.ca:
From Taylor Jenkins Reid, “a genius when it comes to stories about life and love” (Redbook), comes an unforgettable and sweeping novel about one classic film actress’s relentless rise to the top—the risks she took, the loves she lost, and the long-held secrets the public could never imagine.
Sally Hansen Nail Polish– I’ve been into wearing nail polish this month, and I thought I would mention the two shades I’ve been wearing. I really like the Sally Hensen Miracle Gel, because I find it doesn’t chip. Flushed Wanderer & Street Flair are the shades I wore a lot in April! Below is the Flushed Wanderer shade, and I’m wearing Street Flair in the video at the bottom of the post!
Becca Liptuitive lip gloss– I picked this up during the Sephora Spring sale, and I’ve been loving it! It’s smooth and not tacky, hydrating and it a nice pink (bascially it just enhances the natural color of your lips).
Columbia Jacket– I picked this up when Ethan and I went to Niagara Falls for his birthday (you can watch that weekend vlog here). I’m so happy it’s finally warm enough to wear it! It’s waterproof and is somewhat insulated, plus it’s flattering with the cinched waist and is long enough to cover my bum! I think it will last a long time! I’ve linked the closest one I could find
Food & Drink
Scramble- I thought I would share what I’ve been having for breakfast lately! I take an egg, add some egg whites, fry up some red pepper and spinach, add some cheese and serve my scramble with some salsa! I also have a piece of toast with jam. It keeps me full, and I’m not getting sick of it!
Vanilla Biscotti Folgers Coffee– This has been my go to coffee! It tastes similar to the Winter Carnival from Timothy’s but it more readily available (aka available at the grocery store). I’m slowly working my way to drinking my coffee black!
If you’d like to hear more about my April monthly favourites check out the video below!
What is something that you enjoyed in the month of April? Let me know in the comments below!
Thank you so much for joining me today!