Hello friends! It’s monthly favourites time once again! I’m sharing some of my favourite things from the past month, ranging from entertainment, beauty, clothing and everything in between. I hope everyone has had an amazing summer and is ready for fall! Let’s jump right in!
The O’Pears– If you watched my very first vlog, The O’pears were one of the many groups at Summerfolk this year. I really enjoyed their sets and purchased their cd while at Summerfolk, so I’ve listened to it a few times since. They are from Toronto so hopefully I will have the opportunity to see them in concert again!
Jonas Brothers- so after mentioning Nick Jonas in last month’s favourites, nostalgia hit me and made me want to go back and listen to the Jonas Brothers. Ethan and I were house sitting at the beginning of the month which meant a longer drive to work for me, so I had their cds in the car to keep me company. Especially after going so long since listening, it really brought me back to when I was a teenager “rocking” out to their music at the many concerts I went to. It was definitely fun!
New Girl- Seriously. If you haven’t seen this show, you need to! I’ve seen every episode now, and in August I realized I had the entire season from this year still on the PVR, so I watched all of it. This show is so great, I can’t say enough good things about it. If you want to know what I think is hilarious, this is it. I cry I laugh so hard. Every episode makes me laugh SO HARD. I love it. Hopefully I’m making it clear lol.
I’m So Glad I left My Tower Tank– I picked up another shirt from Happily Ever Tees, and love this Tangled tank! Tangled is definitely up there as one of my favourite Disney movies, so I’m happy to have some merch! This tank is so subtle, and even has a hidden Pascal and frying pan! I can’t wait to wear it in Disney World! I could not find it anywhere, and their website does not have the new design on it… so you guys will just have to wait to see a picture of it when I find it!
I thought I would quickly mention that although I have picked up now 2 things from HET, I don’t think I will again. They only print a few of each size shirt, and they sell out in minutes. I tried 3 times to get a Carousel of Progress shirt for Ethan (which I grabbed at the same time as this tank), and the process was really stressful. For this reason, I will shop elsewhere. I obviously like their products, but don’t want my shopping experience to give me anxiety.
Tea Tree Oil Squeaky Clean Scrub– I mentioned this scrub in my first empties post, and I am still loving it! I use it every other day in the shower, and it leaves my skin feeling nice and clean.
Polynesian Candle– this candle smells SO GOOD! I picked it up from Walter Rosie Candle Co, and absolutely love it! My sister bough a bunch of wax melts to use in her Party Lite Warmer, all Disney themed of course!
YouTube App- I thought I would mention how much I love the YouTube app. I love scrolling through my “home page” to see what it recommends for me, and I definitely like what it picks! It’s actually how I found both of the YouTubers I’m mentioning this month!
Aspyn + Parker– with three channels between them, I’ve been watching a bit of all three. I like their vlog style videos the most. I find it really cool to watch people that are really successful in the YouTube world, and especially these two who are so young!
Makeup by Tffany D– I’ve said before that I am definitely a newb when it comes to makeup, so watching her videos has definitely taught me some things! I believe I watched a Q&A from her first (of all things to watch when you have no idea who this person is), and have watched a couple other videos by her.
I hope you’ve enjoyed taking a look at some of my favourites from last month! If you’d like to hear a little more, check out the video below:
What have you been enjoying lately? Let me know in the comments!
* please be advised some of the links provided are affiliate links, and I receive a (very) small commission if these links are used when purchasing . This does not cost you anything extra, and I greatly appreciate your support in my blog by doing so!*
Thanks for reading!