Hello everyone! I hope you are having a great March so far, and if you’re like me you are getting excited for spring! It’s monthly favourites time once again, and I’m sharing some of my favourite things from the past month. From entertainment, clothing, beauty and more, I’m sharing it all! Okay, let’s get started!
Bryan Inc.- You guys know I’ve been on an HGTV kick these past few months, so I thought I would share another one of the shows I watch often! Ethan and I caught I think every episode this season, and I really enjoyed it! Bryan Baulmer brought his wife Sarah into his company to flip two houses, and the series followed that entire process. The house was worth millions of dollars so it seemed a little over the top to me, but it was beautiful!

The Incredibles- I haven’t seen this since I was a kid, and I don’t remember why but I disd’t like it the first time I saw it. Ethan remembers feeling the same way, so when I saw it on tv a few weekends ago, we decided to give it another try. I definitely liked it more this time, and I really don’t know what I didn’t like about it the first time! It’s not my favourite Disney Pixar movie, but I still like it!
Something Borrowed- I was sick this month and spent my long weekend on the couch watching chick flicks. One of the ones I watched was Something Borrowed, and I forgot how much I love it. I have also read the book, and it’s sequel Something Blue, and I think every other book by Emily Giffin. But, when I was watching Something Borrowed, I saw something after the credits I had never caught before! It’s a perfect setup for the movie sequel! While I don’t think it’s happening very soon, I did look it up and I think they are working on a script. So I’m very excited for that!
I discovered podcasts in February, so I thought I would share the two I’ve been enjoying.
Young House Love has a Podcast– the husband and wife team behind Young House Love now have a podcast! (well it’s not that new, but new to me). It’s funny to hear their banter, and I love the different segments they have each week.

BLT Lunch Break– I’ve mentioned The Tim Tracker as one of the YouTubers I watch regularly. He’s on it as well as two other guys, Logan and Bart, so their initials make up the BLT. it’s hard to explain but in the podcast they just talk about different things, and it’s pretty entertaining!

Pretty Little Monograms Minnie Monogram Pullover– I had been looking at this sweater online, and finally bought it at the same time I picked up my sister’s Christmas gift. I don’t wear a lot of pullovers like this so it’s nice to have something a little different. And I love the Minnie Monogram! It actually has my future initials on it
La Senza Pajamas– I bought these just after Christmas for $20 and I love them! I hadn’t ever worn legging style pajama pants to bed, (I usually wear Old Navy’s pj pants) and I normally wear a t-shirt, so this 3/4 length sleeve was different also. It was a nice change! Plus they are comfy to wear around the house, and I like the design on the leggings.
Silisponge- Did anyone else have this pop-up on Facebook? I was so curious that I headed to Amazon and bought one. At $5 I really couldn’t go wrong, and I like it! It’s definitely different than using a Beauty Blender because you use it to spread the makeup instead of dabbing it, but I think it does a pretty good job! I’m fairly simple in my makeup application, so I’m not sure how well it would work when it comes to blending, but it works for me! It’s also so quick to clean which I love.
Aubergine Parmigiana with Crispy Breadcrumbs– this Jamie Oliver recipe Ethan made for me on Valentine’s Day, and it was so delicious we’ve already made it again! We’re both vegetarians, so it was nice to find something hearty and delicious, while not too heathly. The addition of crunchy French loaf breadcrumbs add that special something, and they’re even good the next day when they soak up the sauce! I’m a little safe in my food experiments, but I really liked the eggplant and zucchini in this recipe.

If you’d like to hear more about my favourites this month, check out the video below!
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What did you enjoy in the month of February? Let me know in the comments below!
Thank you for reading!