Hello friends! I hope you are all well, and enjoying summer! I can’t believe how quickly it’s going by and I’m trying to soak up all of the sunshine! It’s monthly favourites time once again, and I’m sharing some of my favourite things from the month of July with you! Some months it’s easier to think of favourites than others, and this month was so easy I filmed the video earlier than ever! I’m sharing my favourites in entertainment, home goods, and drinks instead of a recipe this month! Okay, let’s get started!
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The Arkells- Morning Report- I’ve mentioned before that we now have Spotify premium, and we can play that through Ethan’s car when we are going on road trips which is awesome :). When he created our “travel” playlist, he added the Moana soundtrack for me, and The Arkells for him. So we’ve been listening to for a while and I’ve really been enjoying their newest album! My favourite song it “A Little Rain (a Song for Pete). To a funny story about why Ethan has been obsessed with a certain song on the album, check out the video below :).
Jillian + Justin- I’ve been following Jillian Harris since she was on The Bachelor, and started following her on Instagram right before she had her son last year. So of course I wanted to watch the 4 episode series Jillian + Justin, which took a look at building their dream home, and going from a baby on the way, to having a baby, and moving into their home! I really enjoyed it, and even got Ethan to watch it with me!

Harry Potter- Since the first Harry Potter book came out 20 years ago on June 26th, Ethan and I celebrated by watching Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone on that day, and spent the rest of July finishing the rest of the movies! I grew up with Harry Potter, and remember seeing all the movies in the theatres! It will always hold a special place in my heart! I might even do a blog post about the trip to England I took a few years ago, which had to include a trip to the studios where the movies were filmed! I can’t promise good pictures, but it might be fun to share And I’ve always wanted the Blu-ray collection, so I linked that below!
Spiderman: Homecoming- I went to see this movie with not really understanding why there was another Spiderman movie coming out, but I loved it! Tom Holland plays Spiderman perfectly, as an excited teenager who just wants to help people. My favourite part was when he does into “interrogation mode” :D. I’m definitely glad I went to see it on a whim!
The LadyGang Podcast– I’m seriously on a podcast kick lately! The Landgang is made up of Keltie Knight, Becca Tobin, and Jac Vanek, and they talk with other celebrities each week! I’m listening to the current episodes and going back to the beginning when I have time, and it’s nice to have a bunch of episodes to listen to! Their conversations are not G rated, but they will definitely make you laugh! I would highly recommend checking it out.

watermelon sparkling water– I’ve never really been into drinking sparkling water because I didn’t find it very refreshing, but that has definitely changed! I picked up a bottle of this Sparkling Watermelon Water from Loblaws, and have had probably 10 bottles since. It’s best cold in my opinion, but I’m loving it! In an attempt to drink less pop, I’m hoping by drinking it a lot I can trick my brain into reaching for that instead of pop.
Iced Cinnamon Almond Macchiato from Starbucks– This is definitely my go-to summer drink! I was a little nervous about trying something with almond milk because I haven’t really ever had it outside of a smoothie, but this drink is delicious! I had it once with milk (because it was made wrong) and I like the almond milk so much better! If you are nervous about it, get a tall (small) because it will be a little sweeter with only one shot of espresso. With caramel sauce and cinnamon, this drink is delicious! And pretty for Instagram too ;).

Home Goods
wax warmer- I’d been wanting one for a while since Ethan said he didn’t really like me burning candles in our room (which is a fairly small space so I understand), and I finally got one! I love it! Of course I had to get some wax melts to go with it which I mention next! To me the warmer is a bit of a safer option, and the wax melts are generally less expensive. But check out the co-ordinating video for a glimpse! I don’t think it’s currently available because the summer items are gone, but I got it from Party Lite!
wax melts from Walter & Rosie Candle Co.– I’ve talked about this company before in a monthly favourites and I wanted to mention them again! I got a bit of a haul from them recently and wanted to share a few of my favourites! The Land, and Thank the Phoenicians! Thank the Phoenicians is a dead winner for capuring the smell of Rome burning from Spaceship Earth! The Land is a melon based sent that is perfect for summer! I also picked up Animation, The Flight, and Race You to the Castle. I also have another order arriving today from them… I’m a little obsessed!
If you’d like to hear more about my July monthly favourites, check out the video below:
Thank you so much for joining me today! I’d love to know what you have been enjoying lately in the comments below!