Hello everyone! It’s officially my favourite time of year! I love getting cozy on the couch and watching Christmas movies, seeing the lights on my drive home from work and don’t even get me started on how much I love Christmas music! It feels a little weird that a just over a month ago I was in Disney where it was decked out for the holidays! It’s Monthly Favourites time and I’m sharing some of my favourite things from the past month. I sharing everything from entertainment, beauty, and everything else. Okay, let’s get started!
Moving the McGilivrays- I have been on an HGTV binge lately, I can watch pretty much anything on that channel! I really only caught the last few episodes of this show, but I liked it! If you are not familiar with it, Scott McGillivray and his family look for their forever home, find it, tear it down, and build a monster home. Some of (most of) the house is over the top, but it was neat to the house come together room by room.

Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life- You probably know by now that I’m a huge Gilmore Girls fan, so obviously I watched the revival! Ethan was a sport and I watched all of it within the first two days of it’s release. My reaction? I loved it! I laughed, cried (a lot), and don’t even get me started on the final 4 words. After hearing them I burst into tears because I was shocked. No spoilers, but I think that if Sex and the City can get two movies, Gilmore Girls can get another season. I will say one thing, because so many people came back for the revival, I was most excited to see Christopher. Like squealed with excitement when I figured out who Rory was talking to. Who were you most excited to see?

Shisedo Eyelash curler– I have to admit I purchased this over a year ago, and only started using it about two months ago. Man it makes a difference! Mascara is so much easier to apply! I flinched a lot when I first started using it, but I have gotten much better now. Only minimal pinching. I figured it’s the first step to putting contacts in, which I’ve been avoiding for about 6 months. All I have to do is make an appointment to go back and get used to putting them in and taking them out, and I’ve haven’t called yet. I should really get on that.
Food & Drink
Fruity Pebbles– We used GardenGrocer.com for the first time on our trip to Disney, and it worked really well, just not quite in the way we thought (which was on us not them). I thought I would want some Fruity Pebbles one morning so I was going to get the individual portion, but I got the box instead and I’ve been enjoying it as a snack a few nights a week
Alpine Punch– I’ve mentioned the set of teas I got from David’s Tea a while ago, but I thought I would point out my favourite! It’s great for Fall with hints of apple, cinnamon, ginger and nuts. It’s just makes me feel all warm and cozy!
Disney World- This is an obvious one, but my favourite thing I did in November was go to Walt Disney World! I hope you are enjoying the vlog every Friday, it’s been fun reliving my trip! Don’t forget to Subscribe to get a notification every time I post a video!
Mugs- Ethan and I got the adorable mugs as an engagement gift from a family friend, and I love them! I’ve seen some variations of the same mugs before but I love how simple these ones are! I also love the handles make a heart!
Cogsworth- I think I’m officially obsessed. I am so happy I picked up Cogsworth when I was in Disney World! He’s adorable, and adds the perfect touch of Disney to the desk in our room.
LaurenConrad.com– I’ve mentioned before how much I like Lauren Conrad, and because I know she got married a few years ago, I went straight to her blog to read EVERYTHING wedding related.
I’m the type of person that didn’t want to know what my ring would look like, and didn’t want to plan my wedding before I got engaged. I had a bit of an idea, but I wanted to leave that excitement for when I was engaged. I don’t have a problem with people who do that, it’s just not me. So now that I’m engaged, I know pretty much nothing about planning a wedding. I’m also the type of person who wants to have all of the information before making a decision, so I’ve been reading everything weeding related for the past month. If you have any tips or reccomendations for me, let me know in the comments!
If you’d like to hear more about my favourites this month, check out the video below!
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What are you most looking forward to most in December? Let me know in the comments!
Thank you as always for reading!