Hello everyone, I hope you are well! Today I’m back with another routine video, sharing my evening routine! I’ll share rough times with what I do on a typical weeknight, and share a video at the bottom of the post. Okay let’s get started!
My evenings are much less structured than my mornings, because it totally depends what I have to do that week. Some weeks I’m more ahead on blog posts and videos so I can do other things, and other weeks I have something on my to-do list for every night. This past week was one of the latter, and even more so because Ethan and I were going away for Thanksgiving weekend so I wanted to make sure everything was ready to do. Okay, here’s what last Wednesday evening was like for me!
6:30pm- home from work
I work until 6:15, so I get home around 6:30. I’m the last one home so dinner is usually already started. I help where I can, so I took care of the peas while Ethan cooked potatoes and salmon.
We typically eat around 7.
7:30pm- whatever needs to be done!
After dinner, I usually start whatever blog or YouTube things I need to get done. On this night I had 2 videos to edit, so I got started as quickly as possible! I edited a weekend vlog (you can watch it here), and the house update video (you can watch here).
Wednesday night in my house means one thing- Survivor! I have watched Survivor for as long as I can remember, and it’s the one show that I watch every week and everyone knows the TV in the living room is reserved! If I have other things to work on I will do that during commercials. But no talking when Survivor is on! The only other show I watch every week is Grey’s Anatomy, so I don’t watch a ton of TV. Usually if I’m working on something I’ll be in the living room to be around everyone else.
9pm- wrap up
After Survivor, I go back to whatever I was working on and try to finish it up. I’m trying to head downstairs to my bedroom a bit earlier so I can start winding down, and I think 9/9:30pm is a good goal. Tonight I was downstairs by 9:30.
9:30pm Get ready for bed
Next I start by taking off my makeup, doing my evening skincare, and brushing my teeth. You can see what that looks like in this post!
Evening routine
Once I get into my pajamas and into bed I grab my bullet journal, my journal, and my fountain pen. I take a look at my in my bullet journal and cross off the things I completed that day, and plan for the next day. Then I cross off my 80 Day Obsession tracker if I worked out that day, and flip over to my journal questions. I check off that day, then put my bullet journal away and write in my journal. The whole process takes maybe 10-15 minutes, but it gets me ready for the next day and I think it’s a nice way to end my night.
Depending on what Ethan is doing, if he’s not in bed yet I will read for a bit, but if he’s ready for bed we will watch an episode of Breaking Bad together before we go to sleep. We started at the beginning last week (we only made it half way through the series a few years ago), but I’m invested lol. We didn’t have enough time on this night, so I read instead!
10:30-11pm- go to sleep!
After reading for about 45 minutes I put everything away and turned the lights off around 10:30.
If you’d like to see my evening routine, check out the video below!
I don’t feel like my evenings are particularly exciting, but because I don’t vlog during the week I thought you might like to see what a weeknight is like!
What do you typically do in the evenings? Let me know in the comments below!
Thank you for joining me today!