Hello friends! I know most blogs have already done these posts (honestly I didn’t really know it was a thing), but I thought it would be fun to look back at some of the most popular posts from A Disney Obsession in 2016, and my favourite posts from last year. There’s also a quick survey at the bottom that would mean a lot to me if you filled it out! Okay, let’s get started!
Top 4 Posts of 2016
Erin Condren Life Planner 2016 Haul– I think I may have been most surprised by how popular this post was! This is still my most viewed YouTube video, and the most read blog post. I guess that shows you how big the planning community is! I remember how stressful buying my planner on release day was, but I think it was worth it. It hard to believe that I bought this planner 6 months ago and only just moved into it, but I’m enjoying it! I currently have a winter cover on, I’m waiting for spring to break out the one pictured below!
We’re Engaged!- I’m totally giving away how small this blog of mine is by saying this, but this was the first post to have over 100 views in a single day! It was actually one of mu goals for the blog, who knew all I had to do was get engaged to reach it! I posted on my personal Facebook the link to it, so I think that’s where most of the views came from, but it was definitely something nice to share with you all, not just one picture.
Not to Miss at Walt Disney World for First Timers- I was a little surprised by this one! I think this post might have been my favourite of the Not to Miss series, because everybody has a first time at Walt Disney World! It talks about some of the most popular rides in each park, and some of my favourites too! I plan on sprucing up some of the older posts on here this year, so look for that in the coming months!
Monthly Favourites- February 2016- This was my first Monthly Favourites, and my first YouTube video! To be honest when I started this blog I had no intention of being on YouTube, but things change and I’m so happy to be there now! As I mentioned in my Hello 2017 post, I’m hoping to upload more regularly this year.
My 4 Favourite Posts
We’re Engaged (for hopefully obvious reasons)- I was so excited to share this news with you! And I’m so happy that I can look back and read this post when I want to remember how everything happened. It honestly still feels like it happened to someone else!
Disney Trip Announcement– this was a post I had pictured writing, and a video that I had pictured filming since we book our trip. I couldn’t wait for the day to come, and I was so excited to post it and finally reveal my trip!
What to do at Walt Disney World as an Adult – This post was really fun to write, because if you don’t know Disney like I know Disney, you probably wonder why I go so much! This post just talked about a few of the things there are to do, there are definitely more!
Disney Trip Recap – I feel like this post was a great was to cap off the trip, and it was fun to go through everything that happened! if you didn’t read this post, you should also check out the Vlog Trailer that’s in there, and some pretty hilarious ride pictures! I love the picture below, and I remember being there on our last day, not even doing any rides, just taking it all in.
As you can see, some of my favourite posts are more my favourite in a sentimental way. 2016 was a great year for me, and trust me on that! There’s one thing I haven’t even told you yet…(you’ll have to wait to find out!)
a quick survey
Friends, I can’t believe I’ve been blogging for a year and a half already! I truly enjoy working on posts for A Disney Obsession, and I hope you enjoy what I’m posting! Please take a quick minute to fill out the survey below, to help me do more of what you love! It’s completely anonymous and would be super helpful! Plus it’s only 10 questions, and most of them are multiple choice! I’m always open to suggestions and feedback, so never be afraid to shoot me an email (Kelsey@adisneyobsession.ca) or leave a comment
Create your own user feedback survey
As always thank you so much for reading and supporting this blog of mine, it means the world to me!