Hi friends! It’s been a while since I’ve written a Disney post, so I though I would share one today! There are so many things to do at Walt Disney World, and the massive fan following with tons of fan opinions can create a lot of hype. While they are things that I think are overrated (more coming on that later) they are also things that are underrated. Let’s take a look at a few of them!
Attention to Detail
I think the attention to details is what sets Disney Parks apart. It’s great to take a slower pace in the parks, just walking around and seeing things that you wouldn’t notice when you are rushing around! Even just looking around the parks for Hidden Mickeys I’m sure you will notice something you may not have before. So many people are just running from ride to ride that everything just goes over their head, seriously, look around the next time you are at a Disney Park, I dare you!
This Tangled themed area? It’s a rest station and washrooms. That’s it. And look at how detailed!
Spaceship Earth
Yes, it’s the big globe at Epcot, but the attraction inside of it is certainly underrated. It’s relaxing, and you might even learn a little. A travel through the history of communications is a must do for me. People see the line as you enter the park, and get in the queue, but the attraction is so much more than that! I think people give it a lot less credit than it is due.
Living with the Land
Yes I’m talking about the tour of the greenhouse. Living with the Land is a boat ride that takes you through the greenhouses of the Land pavilion, and it’s actually really interesting. If you’ve ever eaten at The Garden Grill, the scenes you are looking at are part of the Living with the Land attraction. The food that is grown in the greenhouses is also served throughout Epcot! Most people wouldn’t think that Disney World would even have a greenhouse, and I guess this is the part I think is underrated. Disney goes so much farther than you think!
Quick Service Options
When heading to an amusement park, you probably think all you will be eating (other than table service) is burgers and fries. While you can definitely find those options, there is so much more available! Especially being a vegetarian, I notice what other options there are. On our last trip, Ethan and I found a place in Animal Kingdom (thanks to the My Disney Experience App), we had an Asian Noodle Salad (currently available at Thirsty River Bar & Trek Snacks), and a Falafel (currently available at Mr. Kamal’s). We both really enjoyed both options, couldn’t believe how different the option were, and found a quiet spot to eat it.
Tomorrowland Transit Authority Peoplemover
I have to admit something about this ride, I used to not get it. I thought it was stupid, actually. Then on our last trip Ethan and I gave it a try. It’s a great way to relax and see a new view of the park! The narration is a nice touch, and the display of EPCOT probably goes unnoticed. I think you should go on it at least twice; once in the day, and once at night, when Tomorrowland comes alive with neon lights! This ride can be popular, but I don’t think it gets the credit it deserves, especially because of what I used to think!
Citrus Swirl
While you have most likely heard of a Dole Whip, you may not have heard of it’s friend the Citrus Swirl. I’ve only had a Citrus Swirl (I’m coming for you Dole Whip on my next trip!) but I really enjoyed it and don’t think it gets the attention is deserves. This citrus soft serve is delicious! You can pick one up at Sunshine Tree Terrace.
Peanut Butter & Jelly Milkshake
I’m sure you saw that and don’t think that could possible be good, but it is so good! You can also get it in chocolate, which I had on my last trip. This is something that is pretty popular, but not everyone knows about it, or knows how amazing it is! You can grab one if you are dining at 50’s Prime Time Diner, or from the Tune in Lounge at the bar, and get one to go!
Animal Kingdom
Of all the parks in Walt Disney World, I think Animal Kingdom is the most underrated. While the list of attractions may not be as long as Magic Kingdom, there is so much to explore that you wouldn’t even know! I wrote all about exploring Animal Kingdom in this post. People give this park a hard time because of the animals, like it’s a glorified zoo or something, but I definitely think it is much more than that. I think you’d be surprised with how much time you could spend there!

Carousel of Progress
The message of this show is definitely underrated, but I think the entire attraction is too! I don’t want to just focus on what this attraction was when it was created, but I think the fact that Walt actually touched it means it should be recognized more. I doubt many people even know that, but it has been in Magic Kingdom for how long, so that should mean something too, right? I hate to think of how many people don’t even see this attraction, because I think it’s great. And I know a lot of people “see” it but actually nap. But you can force people to see something that is right in front of them , so I guess I will take advantage of the shorter wait times! As you may be able to tell it’s hard to pinpoint exactly what makes something underrated, I hope you get the gist of it through my ramblings!
The Enchanted Tiki Room
Oh, The Tiki Room. I can’t imagine how many people skip this. For me, it’s a must do. When this attraction was created, the technology was amazing! While I understand that the technology is much more advanced now, I think this Classic is just that, a classic! It’s something that fits the Adventureland theme perfectly, and deserves a spot there. I’m definitely a fan of the original and not the “Under New Management” version that forced Zazu and Iago in there, but this show is definitely underrated.
The last two on the list could easily be put into a category of “Classic Disney”, and I think that category of attractions is definitely underrated. Not to put down the attractions that are coming out now, but back then they were different. They weren’t based on the latest film, they were different. I think this is partially what makes the attractions mentioned above classics, and what has helped them to stand the test of time. Instead of just making this a list of attractions, I thought I would include a few, and expand on it a little.
I urge you to try some of these things especially if you never have, you might be pleasantly surprised! What do you think is underrated at Walt Disney World? Let me know in the comments!
Thank you so much for reading!