Hello, hello! I hope your day is going well so far! Today I’m back with what might be the last house update for a while, because there’s really not much to share! Okay, let’s jump in!
So to quickly recap, we are talking about a new-build townhouse that my husband and I purchased (when we were still dating!) in October 2016, to close in October 2018. Last year we were delayed from October 2018 to January 2019, then to May 2019, and lastly to January 2020 in April of this year, just days before the end of our contract. Since that time, our house has broken ground and we had an appointment to pick all of our finishes.
That about brings you up to speed if you’ve missed anything! On October 21st, we were told that our house would now be ready on April 7th, 2020. To put this delicately, this is outside of our contract date. We have to wait for the end of January for that date to come, and once we reach that point we can walk away and get all of our deposits back plus delayed compensation. We will get an update mid-December to know if the April date is accurate, and I’m not sure what will happen after that.
So right now, it’s a waiting game. This year has been so incredibly frustrating with all of the delays, and so this just continues with that.
As I mentioned above this will probably be the last house update for a while, probably until February. And going forward if we do walk away from this house and find something else, I’m not quite sure at what point I will feel comfortable sharing. I will share eventually, I’m just not sure to what capacity or what the timeline will look like. This process has been SO different than what we thought it would be, so I just feel the need to step back a little from updates until I know what’s going on and what we will be doing. I hope you can understand, and know that I will share as soon as I feel comfortable.
If you’d like to hear more about the house update, check out the video below!
In the meantime, Ethan and I are going to enjoy the holiday season and spend time figuring out what we would want in a dream house. And I think that’s all we can do right now!
Previous House Updates
To end this on a positive note, what are you looking forward to this holiday season? Let me know in the comments! I can’t wait for Christmas Lights and watching Christmas movies!
Thank you so much for joining me today, and for sharing in this rollercoaster with me!