You guys. It’s May. Where is this year going?! I can’t believe how fast the months are flying by, but I’m so happy it’s finally getting warm! Although it hasn’t been warm the past few weeks. Come on summer! It’s monthly favourites time once again, and I’m sharing some of my favourite things from the past month in entertainment, beauty, clothing, and more! Okay, let’s get started!
13 Reasons Why on Netflix- Guys. This show is brilliant. If you haven’t watched it already, go now! I won’t give any spoilers, but I watched it in less than 2 weeks, which is fast for me. (In my defense there were 4 of us watching, so having everyone home at the same time was an important factor!). After a fellow student commits suicide (Hannah), Clay finds a box at his door. The box contains 13 tapes, which Hannah used to record the 13 Reasons why she did what she did. Each episode covers a tape, and slowly things become a little more clear. That’s all I will say, but the message is so important, especially in high schools today. I really can’t say anything bad about it! It just reminded me of how badly I wanted to get out of high school back in the day, not that anything horrible happened, just I can identify with Hannah wanting to get out.
The Search for everything- John Mayer’s newest album was completed this month (he released in it “waves” of 4 songs at a time), and I love it! To me it feels like he’s getting back to some of his older stuff, but at the same time it sounds new. Does that make any sense? Plus, he dances in his new music video. I’ve linked it here because it’s the best.
Ellie & Jared– I found a new YouTuber family this month! I think it came up in my suggested videos because they built a house about 6 months ago. We aren’t doing a custom build like they did, but it’s nice to watch the process. You can read more about our house here. Anyways so I watched some of those videos, and then they went to Disneyland so of course I watched that! They seem like really nice people, and I’ve enjoyed what I’ve watched so far.
Old Navy Cami Tunics– I stocked up on some of my favourite tank tops from Old Navy! I wear them underneath everything! And they were like $2. A steal!
Fabletics “Megan” top– This top actually goes with the pair of leggings I mentioned a few months ago! I’ve started running outside (yay!), and while it’s still a little cold this sweater keeps me warm! It also has thumb holes that keep my hands warm on colder days.
Asics Running Shoes- Since I’ve been running more regularly and it’s finally warm enough to wear running shoes outside, I thought I would share what I’m wearing! Both pairs are Asics, and I love them! Previously I tried Saucony’s, and they hurt my feet, so now I’m sticking with what works! I don’t believe they are still available, but newer versions are most likely available. I use the GT 200’s for running (below), and the Gel Pursuits for walking. I give a bit of a better look in the video near the end of the post!
Tartiest™ Creamy Matte Lip Paint in Birthday Suit– This was actually part of the birthday gift from Sephora, but I love it so much I’ll probably get the full size at some point! This lip stain is nice because it’s very subtle, but gives my lips some colour and keeps them moisturized. It feels very creamy, which I really like. I would definitely recommend!
Polish Up brush Cleaning Pad– I got this on the same trip to Sephora, and it makes cleaning my brushes SO MUCH EASIER! Before I was using the tiny little thing that comes with the beauty blender solid cleaner, and it took a while to get my brushes clean. This one I just throw in my sink, and it’s big enough to do a great job! Plus it was under $20. Score! It is currently out of stock, but you can always sign up for a notification!
Guacamole!– This recipe is from AllRecipes.com, and it’s pretty foolproof! Since we buy the bags of avocados (because it’s cheaper) and I eat avocado toast every morning, we have a few avocados left at the end of the week. So, I started making guacamole! So yummy. And easy!
If you’d like to hear a little more about my April monthly favourites, check out the co-ordinating video below!
* please be advised some of the links provided are affiliate links, and I receive a (very) small commission if these links are used when purchasing . This does not cost you anything extra, and I greatly appreciate your support in my blog by doing so!*
Thank you for joining me for monthly favourites this month, and I’d love to know what you enjoyed in April! Let me know in the comments below! As always, thank you for reading!