Hello everyone, I hope you are well today! Decmeber is here and that means it’s time to share some of my favourite things from the past month! This month I’m sharing some entertainment, beauty, clothing, and priceless favourites! November was a complete whirlwind because I traveled- twice, but it was very special! Okay, let’s get started!
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“It” by Stephen King– I’m going to be completely honest, it took me 6 weeks to read this book. It’s MASSIVE. But, I enjoyed it (but wouldn’t read it again lol). I was curious about the story having never seen the movies because I’m terrified of clowns, so I feel like I know more about the story. I might watch the movie (during the day, with the lights on). I had some dreams about it, but it was easy to distance myself from the story because it takes place in a specific town. Have you read any Stephen King books?
“You” by Caroline Kepnes-This is the book the Netflix series is based on (which I mentioned in a favourites when it came out), so I enjoyed reading the book! Parts were different, but it was a nice refresher because season 2 comes out later this month! I think reading the book from Joe’s perspective was a little creepier than having it narrated from his perspective, and now the sequel is on my list to read. If you haven’t watched the show yet, read the book first!
The Masked Singer- I totally got sucked into this show this season, and I’m really curious for all of the singers to be revealed! I’m usually pretty good about knowing who is singing on the radio, but for some reason this show makes it so much harder! We PVR the episodes so we can watch them even faster without commercials (and it’s on the same time as Survivor and I’m not giving that up lol), and I would recommend watching it that way if you can avoid spoilers!
Like It’s Christmas by Jonas Brothers– I am so happy the Jonas Brothers released a Christmas song this year! I will always hope that they make a whole album, but for right now I’m happy with this! It’s really upbeat and I love it, plus it’s still cool hearing anything by them on the radio! What’s your favourite Christmas song?
Disney+– I’m sure you are completely surprised I got Disney+ the day it was available (actually I have the best husband ever who signed up while I was sleeping so I could watch it as soon as I woke up), but I’m loving it! I will definitely mention the shows as I watch them, and I currently have a few on the go! But having all of my favourite movies and shows at my fingertips is awesome! I started by watching Steamboat Willie, then the first episode of Lizzie McGuire! Have you signed up yet?
Disney Cruise Line spirit jersey– Of course I had to mention something that I picked up on my recent trip! (See everything I picked up in this post). I knew I wanted a spirit jersey and I love this one! I wore it the last day of our trip and a few times since, so I’m getting my use out of it. I find them so cozy to wear around the house and am even wearing my Disneyland one as I type this… I think I have a thing for Spirit Jerseys! I posted the pic below on Instagram over the weekend!
Jade Roller– I picked this up from Amazon a few weeks ago, because it sounded wonderful! You use it on your face to reduce puffiness. I’m not 100% sure it works because I haven’t been using it for that long, but it feels SO GOOD in the morning and evenings because it’s cool on my face. It comes with an instruction manual that tells you which end to use where on your face, and which direction to roll it. But I like it just for how good it feels on my face!
Sweet Peach Glow palette– I used this a lot in November because I traveled so much, and this was just easier to bring than 3 individual pieces. It’s definitely got a summer glow look to it, but I really like the whole set! I’m wearing it in the video at the bottom of the post if you’d like a closer look. If you are looking for something easy (and a bronzer that is easy to use and to build up) I would definitely recommend this set! And it smells like peaches!
A Special Trip to Vancouver- If you don’t know my sister- she loves the show Arrow, and has since it started! She’s met the star of the show Stephen Amell twice before, and years ago she said that she had a goal to direct an episode of the show. We thought that was quite the goal, but it was good she was aiming at something! Well fast forward to this fall when our family-friends reached out explaining that they were trying to get Alex a set visit, because Arrow is in it’s last season. Like what?!? Well, the first week of November my family flew to Vancouver to tour the set of Arrow! We got to see the set, and even watch them film some of the series finale! The absolute highlight and priceless part was seeing Alex’s face looking at her favourite person Stephen! I am so grateful to everyone who made this happen, and it’s something we will never forget! Below is a picture of us with Stephen from the set. (low quality pic, high quality memory!)
Being in the parks again!- And of course our recent trip to Disney has to make the list! It was so good to be in the parks again, especially to see the Christmas decorations again! I love spending time just with Ethan in the parks, and we really soaked up our few days the best we could!
If you’d like to hear more about my November favourites, check out the video below!
What was something you enjoyed during the month of November? Let me know in the comments below!
Thank you so much for joining me today!