Hello everyone and Happy Fall! I’m starting to like fall more and more, so while the weather is cooling off, I’m still happy it’s not winter! Plus, it’s almost sweater weather! It’s monthly favourites time once again and I’m sharing some of my favourite things from the past month. From entertainment, to clothing and beauty, I’m sharing it all. Let’s get started!
The Unbreakable Kimmy Shmidt- Ethan and I are now on season 2, and are liking it! It’s a short show and nice and light to watch at the end of the day! I like how quirky the characters are too. If you are looking for something to watch on Netflix I would recommend it!
Harry Potter and the Cursed Child- As a huge Harry Potter fan I felt I had to read the newest story. I have to admit that I started it in August and wasn’t crazy about it, and put it down for about a month. In September I picked it up again and finished it quickly, because it got good! It definitely plays to fans of the original stories, so even if you are hesitant to read it, give it a try!
Gavin DeGraw- I have loved Gavin DeGraw since his very first CD. His newest release came out in September, and is called “Something Worth Saving”. If you don’t know who he is, you would probably recognize “I Don’t Wanna Be” which was the theme song to One Tree Hill. I pretty much gush over him in the video below, so if you want to hear that, check it out!
Beauty and the Beast- The 25th Anniversary dvd came out this month, so I had to pick it up! I find I’m slowly accumulating the classic Disney movies on Dvd, so I don’t have to rely on my VHS’. I enjoyed watching all of the behind the scenes from when the movie was made, and watched the movie as well :). I think Gaston is becoming one of my favourite Disney villans… who is yours?
Kate Spade Blanket- While this isn’t a clothing item I do sort of wear this blanket and it is THE SOFTEST. I picked it up at Costco for $20 and am so happy I did. The best part is, it’s Queen sized! In the winter I generally have a blanket wrapped around me at all times, so I’m excited to use it as the weather gets colder! I can’t find a link for it anywhere but hopefully it’s still available at Costco!
Urban Decay Setting Spray– This is the only setting product I have used, so I don’t have anything to compare it to, but I like it! It smells nice and it feels like it does a good job. I tend to touch my face a lot during the day, so it’s nice having a little bit of security! I originally bought the travel size to give it a try, and now bought the full size. I decanted a bit into the smaller one for when I am travelling, and works perfectly.
Frizz Ease syrum– I actually got this in a loot bag from an event I attended in the summer, and have been using it for a while now. I have noticed that my hair is feeling very healthy, and growing quickly! I’m not sure if there is one product that is causing it, or a combination of everything, so I thought I would share some of the things I’m using!
Tresemme spray- I use this when I get out of the shower to protect my hair from the heat of the styling tools I use, and it also helps to detangle my hair as it gets longer. I’ve used it for years, and have a stockpile of extras!
Tsum Tsum by Line Game- I’ve been playing this game for a while, and like the little dose of Disney it gives me! I explain the game a little in the video, but basically it’s a game where you connect similar characters to power up “your” character and get coins. You can then buy boxes with random tsum tsum characters in it. They sell toy versions in Disney stores, that look exactly like the characters in the game. I hope that explanation makes sense!
Just A Girl and Her Blog– Instead of a new YouTuber I thought I would share a blogger this month! I found Abby’s blog back in March when I was looking for a budget binder. I couldn’t stop reading! Her blog is one that I check practically daily, and I just love how pretty it is! She’s just moved into a new house, so I can’t wait to see her decorate it!
If you’d like to hear a little more about my favourites this month, check out the video below!
* please be advised some of the links provided are affiliate links, and I receive a (very) small commission if these links are used when purchasing . This does not cost you anything extra, and I greatly appreciate your support in my blog by doing so!*
What have you been enjoying lately? I’d love to know, so leave me a comment!
As always, thank you so much for spending some time with me!