Hello and happy Saturday! Today I wanted to share my experience with the 80 Day Obsession workout program I recently completed! Just like I did with the 21 Day Fix, I’ll be going over what it is, and my thoughts along the way. Okay, let’s get started!
What is the 80 Day Obsession?
80 Day Obsession is a workout program from Beachbody done by the same trainer as the 21 Day Fix, Autmn Calabrese. It’s 80 different workouts and 13 weeks of work! It’s suggested for intermediate/ advanced fitness level, but the program does have a modifier. I wouldn’t have considered myself at that level, and I definitely had to modify at points, but now I think I’m there!
How do I access it?
80 Day Obsession can only be accessed with BeachBodyOnDemand. My mom purchased it last year when we were doing the 21 Day Fix, so I already had access to it. You can access tons of other workouts through the app (Ethan has done Liift4 3 times), and even a cooking show!
Is there a nutrition plan?
Yes there is a specific nutrition plan for the 80 Day Obsession, and a special aspect of that they call timed nutrition. Basically you have your “workout block” and you eat a certain amount of time before your workout (I think 90 minutes), then eat 30 minutes after, and every 2 hours for the rest of the day. Because I pretty much roll out of bed and workout this method didn’t work for me. I actually didn’t follow the nutrition plan at all. And the timed nutrition wasn’t my excuse, it just didn’t happen. So I can’t speak to how effective that method is, but the cast from the videos were all doing it and you could definitely see a difference.
The nutrition plan follows the same container system as the 21 day fix, with slightly different container counts. In my specific plan I could have one more vegetable container than doing the 21 day fix. There is also a “carb loading” day twice in Phase 2 and 3, where you are allowed extra yellow containers. In the list of materials there is a list of approved carbs, so they still want you to keep it somewhat clean. Also, no alcohol is allowed on this plan.
What is the schedule like?
The program is split into 3 phases, each one month long, The last week is called peak week and has 2 workouts from each phase.
For the first two weeks of Phase 1, there is something schedule every day. Days 7 and 14 are foam rolling and stretching routines, so they aren’t a workout. You are encouraged to use them as needed throughout the rest of the program.
After that, it’s 6 days a week every week!
What are the workouts?
Roll & Release (foam rolling) and Stretch and Release are the recovery day “workouts”. They are around 20 minutes long. The other workouts are:
- Total Body Core (a total body workout that works the whole body while keeping the core engaged)
- Booty
- Cardio Core (intervals of a skipping motion for 30 seconds, then a HIIT move for 30 seconds repeated x3, then a core move with the sliders. Around 6 rounds of that then a repeat of core exercises)
- AAA (Arms, Abs, and A**, working the negative movements aka. up on 1 count, down for 3 count)
- Legs
- Cardio Flow (I called this the 12 days of Christmas workout because you repeat one move then add another, the all the way through and add a move on just like the song)
The cardio workouts are around 30-40 minutes, and the rest are between 40-60 minutes. I would suggest having music to listen to, but I found that the workouts went by quickly!
How are there 80 different workouts?
So the names of the workouts stay the same, but everything is always changing to keep you from plateauing! Like I mentioned above, the program is split into 3 phases. During each phases, the calendar for which workout you do on which day changes.
Within the phases, the workout each week is different:
- Week 1 is a 2×15 rep, so you go all the way through the workout once, then repeat
- Week 2 is a 3×10 rep, so you go all the way through the workout three times
- Week 3 is a 3×10 rep, but you go through each series of exercises (usually 3-5) the three times before moving on, and it’s a burnout!
- Week 4 is a 2×15 rep, again going through each series of exercises twice before moving on
What equipment is required?
You’ll need resistance loops or bands, floor sliders, a floor mat, and weights for the program. I got this set of loops and sliders on Amazon, and had a set of adjustable Bowflex weights. The transitions between exercises can be pretty fast and I found it was faster than I could adjust the weights so Ethan and I purchased some dumbbells in 5lb increments to start. It made a world of difference! You will want to have a bit of a range in weights because you will get stronger, but also you can generally go higher in weight for leg day. Our weights are similar to these.
Additional tidbits
- I posted every day I worked out on my Instagram and saved them all to a highlight, so if you’d like some motivation (I originally found out about the 80 Day Obsession from abowlfulloflemons’ Instagram stories).
- I also created a Spotify playlist for working out, you can find it here.
- The program is very up and down in that you are standing to being on your mat. I chopped inches off of my hair because my ponytail was driving me crazy, and I’ve never had my shoelaces become untied so often during a non-cardio workout!
- Phase 3 was no joke! I would have to workout in just a sports bra and shorts because I got hot so quickly and couldn’t take it! We also had to install blinds in the basement where I workout lol.
- After doing the program, the Tone It Up workout seems SO EASY.
- I did take 1 week off (actually just a few days), because I bought a bacterial infection from our hot tub. But I ended up catching back up, and other than that I didn’t miss a day!
- I started out the first week with only 5 days, went to 6 days after that!
- I have a Garmin watch that sets an “activity minutes” goal each week of 150 minutes, but the higher your heat rate, 1 minute will count as 2 ect. During Phase 3, I met that 150 minute goal in 3 day! The workouts are intense!
Before/after pictures
left=before, right=after
I didn’t actually lose any weight (because I didn’t do the nutrition portion), but I think you can still see a difference! I lost about 6 inches, and I really think that speaks to how great the workouts are. You are working HARD!
The other thing I sort of came to terms with through this, and it is that if I want to eat whatever I want, this would be what my body looks like. But if I want to change how my body looks, nutrition has to be a big part of that.
If you’d like to hear more about my experience with the 80 Day Obsession, check out the video below!
What’s Next?
Well, I’m doing it again! I am opting out of the cardio days for this round, and running instead. But I’m enjoying tracking the weights and seeing how much progress I’ve made since I started it the first time! After that, I think I might try the program that Ethan and done 3 times, Liift 4 which is also from Beachbody. Fitness has really become an important part of my life in the last few years, and I’ve enjoyed sharing what has worked for me! I may do an update to this post after my second round to show the difference by adding in the nutrition! Let me know if that was something you’d be interested in!
Do you follow workout programs? If so, I’d love any recommendations!
Thank you so much for joining me today!