Hello everyone, I hope you are well! Today is actually my birthday, so I thought I would take this opportunity to check in with you! It’s been a long while since I’ve done this, I think the last one was almost two years ago!
I thought I would just sit down and type- so I apologize in advance if this post is all over the place, but I’m just writing what I’m thinking!
It’s hard to believe I’ve been blogging for almost three years! I feel like I’ve really found my groove and it’s such a part of my normal routine that it doesn’t feel like work. I 100% still enjoy sharing a new post with you every week and I hope you enjoy it too!
I also can’t believe how much I’ve changed since starting the blog! I would have never thought I’d be writing personal posts, I thought it would strictly be Disney. And YouTube? There was no way I ever thought I would upload a video! Vlogging? No way! And now I’ve been vlogging every weekend for over a year, and I’m still loving it!
I’ve become a lot more confident in myself and my abilities, and I have learned so much! I’ve also added much more into my schedule, especially now owning a sticker shop and posting one video a week for that channel!
I feel like I’ve learned a lot about blogging, and I’m still learning every day! Some of my favourite posts are sharing what I learned in each year of blogging! I’m not an expert by any means, but I’m definitely willing to share my experiences!
I’ve also loved sharing my Disney knowledge, especially after I’ve been 9 times! I will hopefully have more to share as I continue to visit the parks, although it might not be as often as I’d like
I have tons of ideas for posts, and many that I will cover in the future (especially after we move into our house!). I’m thinking a before tour of our house, and posts as we finish decorating rooms, ect.
Looking ahead in my blog schedule I definitely have a lot of ideas, but I’d love to know if there is something you’d like to see! I have some questions for you below the video
I also posted my first check in on YouTube, if you’d rather listen to me talk than read the above!
Here’s where you come in!
Is there anything you’d like to see more of?
Anything you’d like to see less of?
Any questions you have for me?
And posts or videos you’d like to see from me?
Are there any wedding related posts or videos you would like to see?
Any house related posts once we move in?
Also if you’d care to let me know what brings you to my blog, I’d love to know!
I’d love to know! Let me know in the comments below, or head to the contact page to shoot me an email
THANK you!
I also wanted to take a minute to say THANK YOU! I didn’t know what to expect when I started this thing almost three years ago, and I’m so happy with where I am now! Your support of this blog means the world to me, and I just want to thank you for following along!
From one (much newer) blogger to another, I’d love to see more blog tips, and what you do, etc.
Very excited for wedding posts, and I’m such an interior design slut I can’t wait to see house decorating posts! ?
Thanks Lila!
I will definitely keep all of that in mind!